Monday Oct 23, 2023

Eczema (Part 3) - Moving up the scale of eczema treatment

In this final episode on eczema, Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson share their thoughts on eczema treatments, including topical steroids and immunomodulators.

Alongside many other practical tips, the key takeaways from this episode include:

  • Advice on which, when, and how much topical steroid to prescribe to patients with eczema and how they can be used as useful little markers to show whether a patient’s eczema is being controlled adequately
  • If and when to prescribe antibiotics for eczema patients and how to manage recurrent eczema flares driven by infection
  • Why topical immunomodulators should no longer be secondary care’s best-kept secret!

“Topical steroids… have stood the test of time… and they really do work.

There's nothing more frustrating for a healthcare professional to see somebody with a condition… not getting better because they haven't used the treatment we recommended.

But I do think we need to acknowledge that our patients have concerns about topical steroids, and they often are reluctant to use them and often nod and accept that we suggest them to them, and then they go away and they don't use them.

I could not manage my skin patients without the use of topical steroids, but I like to use them for short, sharp bursts, get things under control…” - Dr George Moncrieff

If this sounds familiar then, listen in to find out Dr Moncrieff’s top tips on addressing patient concerns regarding topical steroids.

Episode resources:


Thank you to our kind sponsor AproDerm, who provide a comprehensive range of quality emollients that are designed for the management of dry skin conditions, including eczema.

To simplify the process of finding the most suitable emollient for each patient, they have developed a remarkable solution: the AproDerm Emollient Starter Pack. This pack conveniently combines all four of their emollients in a single prescription, enabling patients to identify their ideal emollient more efficiently, aiding both compliance and adherence.

Find out more:



Thank you for listening. We hope you find this podcast interesting and helpful, please leave us a review or email with any feedback on this episode or suggestions for what you would like to hear about in future podcasts.

The views expressed in this podcast are of Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson and Fontus Health has not influenced, participated, or been involved in the programme, materials, or delivery of educational content.


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