Monday Dec 04, 2023

Emollients (Part 2) - It’s all about the emollient

“Patients sometimes think that an emollient is an emollient. But when we're prescribing, we mustn't forget about splitting them into simple and sophisticated types and actually think about what we're putting on our patient's skin, which sounds an obvious thing to say, but it really is horses for courses” - Dr Roger Henderson. 

Following on from the first episode in the “Emollients” topic, which covered the critical role of our skin, Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson now discuss how emollients work in keeping our skin barrier healthy. This episode highlights the crucial distinctions between simple and sophisticated emollients, as well as unveiling the key ingredients to seek out and those to avoid when selecting an emollient for your patients. 

In addition, this episode covers: 

  • The different modes of action emollients can have, including their role as a vehicle for getting humectants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-itch ingredients onto the skin
  • The importance of patient education including advice on emollient application, soap substitutes and emollient safety 
  • The amount of emollient that you should be prescribing to your patients 

Emollients play a pivotal role in managing dry skin conditions, and this episode equips you with the knowledge to confidently prescribe and educate patients on effective emollient use. Listen in to finely tune your emollient selection. 

Thank you to our kind sponsor AproDerm, who provide a comprehensive range of quality emollients designed for the management of dry skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and ichthyosis.  

To simplify the process of finding the most suitable emollient for each patient, they have developed a remarkable solution: the AproDerm Emollient Starter Pack. This pack conveniently combines all four of their emollients in a single prescription, enabling patients to identify their ideal emollient more efficiently, aiding both compliance and adherence.  

Find out more:  



Thank you for listening. We hope you find this podcast interesting and helpful, please leave us a review or email with any feedback on this episode or suggestions for what you would like to hear about in future podcasts.   

The views expressed in this podcast are of Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson and Fontus Health has not influenced, participated, or been involved in the programme, materials, or delivery of educational content.

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