Monday Jun 10, 2024

Melanomas (Part 2) - Cracking the Melanoma Code

Do you use ABCD to diagnose malignant melanomas? You may be contributing to the 84% of obviously benign melanomas that are referred to secondary care. Or even worse, you could be missing over two thirds of melanoma. 

Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson scrutinise ABCD in this podcast episode, working through each letter of the acronym to decipher the helpfulness of distinguishing malignant melanomas from benign lesions in primary care and explaining how much more useful E, F and G are.  

When you finish this episode you’ll feel more confident in your diagnosis with Dr Moncrieff’s comprehensive diagnostic criteria. In addition, you’ll find out when you need to decide the next steps on a lesion immediately and where you have 3 to 4 months to make a decision.

Thank you to our kind sponsor AproDerm, who provide a comprehensive range of quality emollients designed for the management of dry skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and ichthyosis.  

To simplify the process of finding the most suitable emollient for each patient, they have developed a remarkable solution: the AproDerm Emollient Starter Pack. This pack conveniently combines all four of their emollients in a single prescription, enabling patients to identify their ideal emollient more efficiently, aiding both compliance and adherence.  

Find out more:   


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Episode Resources:  

The views expressed in this podcast are of Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson. Fontus Health has not influenced, participated, or been involved in the programme, materials, or delivery of educational content. 


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