Monday Jul 10, 2023

Psoriasis (Part 1) - More than just a troublesome rash

Tune in as Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson discuss psoriasis in this first of three episodes where they explore the causes, prevalence, triggers, and psychological impacts this inflammatory disease has on patients' lives.
Thank you to our kind sponsor AproDerm, providing a comprehensive range of quality emollients that are designed for the management of dry skin conditions, including psoriasis. To simplify the process of finding the most suitable emollient for each patient, they have developed a remarkable solution: the AproDerm Emollient Starter Pack. This pack conveniently combines all four of their emollients in a single prescription, enabling patients to identify their ideal emollient more efficiently, aiding both compliance and adherence.
Find out more:
Thank you for listening. 

The views expressed in this podcast are of Dr George Moncrieff and Dr Roger Henderson and Fontus Health has not influenced, participated, or been involved in the programme, materials, or delivery of educational content.

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